
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Getting in Shape to Blog

Actually, the below post was submitted by Kathleen King during our "intro. to blogging" session at last night's monthly SMCG meeting. Thank you, Cathie Cantara, for helping us all get over our fears and ignorance about getting into the blogosphere. I'm sure there will be many posts to come, and more member blogs to link to. The next Southern Maine Clay Guild meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 3rd, 6 p.m., at Pasture's Edge Studio, 296 Middle Rd., Lyman. The tentative focus of this meeting will be pricing. We will also discuss spring and summer activities. Another upcoming event to mark on your calendars is our first pitfiring/raku firing of this year, on May 21st (rain date May 22nd). This will also be held at Pasture's Edge Studio, at the above address. For more information call Cathy at 985-7986.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Our SMCG meeting this evening was to learn how to blog. How are we doing?